Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Dream Coming True...

A Dream Coming True…

The first day of school dawned bright and clear. I left the house at 7 am even though class was not scheduled to begin until 8am. On the Friday before when I had been at the classroom setting up the desks had not been brought to the room yet, and they assured me that on they would be there by Monday morning so I wanted to get there early to have to time to find desks in case they were not there. I walked in and there they were! It was a very exciting moment; to walk into my first classroom for the first time on the first morning of school. I could hardly believe that it was happening. DSC_0239.JPG Walking in on the first day.

I had a couple of Brazilian missionary kids, who are now my students that lived next door, and they had driven to school with me and they had been a tremendous help setting up the room the week before. We spent the rest of the time before the other students arrived arranging the desks and doing last minute preparations.

By 8:30 every one had arrived and we began our first day. I had ten students that day with various levels and knowledge of English but it worked out and it was a typical “getting to know you” day. We went through names, classroom rules, learning to walk in a line and etc. All in all it went well and the students all had a good time.

Class was over by 12:30 and most of the kids were picked up by then. I then ate a quick lunch at my desk and then got ready for my afternoon group of students that were to arrive at 2pm. I only had 5 that first afternoon but by 4:30 when school was finished I was exhausted but thankful that it had been a good first day.

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