Friday, April 16, 2010

6 Weeks!

Dear Friends,

Happy Spring!!!!

I hope that you are all doing well. I was talking to a friend the other day and we got around to talking about my leaving and I realized that I leave in 6 weeks! It is hard to believe, time has flown right on by. So I figured that it is about time to give you guys a little bit of an update about how my preparations are coming along.

I spent yesterday afternoon and this morning packing up what I can in my room. It has been mostly a sorting and throwing out party but I have managed to pack up most of my teaching and children’s books to send to Angola. I rediscovered/remembered/found that I have some amazing resources and I cannot wait to get to Angola and use them. J At the moment, I think that I have packed and thrown away what I can.

It has been very encouraging to see how God is putting a support team, prayer and otherwise. I have raised about 25% of my monthly support and about 20% of my one-time outgoing expenses. I am trusting God to continue to build my team and provide what I need. Please continue to pray for His provision of the rest. If you feel God calling you to join my team please feel free to contact me or send donations to AGA Inc., 25 Maple St., Addison, NY 14801.

The next few weeks are going to be very busy as I go through the last minute preparations. I have to get vaccinations, vet appointments and paperwork for Tiko(my dog) to travel and of course more packing and sorting.

Several friends are planning a little get-together for me towards the end of April or the beginning of May. If you would like to come please let me know and I will get you more information. I would love to see you there. If you would like me to come speak to a small group or gathering of people please let me know. I am happy and excited to share about the work in Angola that God has called me to do.

Thank you once again for all your encouragement and support. It means so much to me.

In Him,


PS: I have put some pictures on my blog. Check them out

Contact Information: email:, cell phone: 336-508-7856, skype name: Angola86 and of course through Facebook. Looking forward to hearing from you. J

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